“So, He said to them: ‘This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting’.”
When the disciples asked Jesus, “why could we not cast it (the unclean spirit) out?”, He said “this kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting.” There IS such a thing as spiritual warfare and it can only be fought with spiritual weapons. Although we are involved in a war we can’t see, God has already given us the tools to fight back. Prayer is one of the most powerful weapons in our arsenal, but we need to fast as well.
Biblical fasting is a discipline of denying one’s self of eating or drinking to be available for prayer and time with the Lord. You could fast for one day, one week or even one meal – as long as it’s a regular, designated time you can devote to prayer. You can fast from foods like meat, caffeine, sugar or all foods in general. The important thing is that during the time you would otherwise be indulging in what you are fasting from, you seek the Lord in his Word, prayer and meditation.
Fasting is a spiritual discipline that the Lord Himself practiced and will help bring about supernatural results. By fasting, we experience new, lasting effects in the long run, so we encourage you to take some time to fast and pray today.
Today’s Prayer
Father, I promise to make opportunities to pray and fast. I understand the need for me to battle spiritually with the spiritual weapons you’ve given us. I know there are things I’m struggling with that can only be broken through prayer and fasting. I pray you show me the areas in my life that I need a breakthrough. In Jesus’ name I pray.