“There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.” But the Lord said to her, “My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details!””
Thirty years after the launch of the internet we find ourselves in the Age of Attention. So many things are vying for our attention that our focus is the biggest commodity. During your 21-Day Prayer and Fasting Experience, better your serve by focusing your attention on the Heavenly Father.
Christ addresses attention in the life of a hurried and busy servant of God with wise words. In Luke 10:38-42, we find Martha hosting a party for quite a large group of visitors in her home, including Jesus. Using her gifts of hosting, she creates a festive ambiance and is busy serving guests during. However, she was so frazzled and troubled with everything that needed to be done. Prioritizing additional tasks that seem urgent blinded Martha.
With keen insight into her angst, Christ calls her out with a tone of love and compassion. The tug of war in Martha’s heart is settled as He addresses the questions vexing her soul: Is it better to do good while frazzled and distracted with being noticed (serving for our glory)? Or should I serve others while focusing on Him and the outcome He wants to produce (serving for His glory)? Jesus clarifies the matter by saying the latter is the better choice.
Heavenly Father, I want to serve you better and make my experiencing you in every facet of my life my priority. Enlighten me with your guidance to focus on what is the better way to serve you and advance your Kingdom today. In Jesus’ name, I pray.