“And we are sure he hears us every time we ask him something that pleases him; and as we know that He hears us when we make our requests, we also know that He will give us what we ask of Him.”
Prayer and Fasting have amazing outcomes. As you are discovering, it’s not just subduing your appetite for succulent food to have more time to pray. It’s about submitting to the Holy Spirit’s empowerment, applying His wisdom and insights to all areas of your life.
The experience is about understanding God’s Better plan for you in 2019. As you pray about things that please our Heavenly Father, He promises to not only listen but also answer.
As you near the end of your fast, it’s a good thing to ponder and write how the Holy Spirit — your Helper — inspires and illuminates you to fulfill His purpose in your life.
So, take a moment today to jot down how God has spoken to you during your 21-Day Prayer & Fasting Experience. Here are a few points and questions to help you get started:
1. In Psalm 23 green pastures represent lush feeding places from which satisfy you. You find green pastures in God’s Word and God’s Son (see Luke 4:4; John 6:35). And His still waters satisfy your deepest needs.
How has Christ — as your good shepherd — caused you to lie down in green pastures and beside still waters during the past three weeks?
What Word has He spoken into the depths of your heart about the circumstances you’re facing?
2. The Holy Spirit also plays an active role when you fast and pray. His wisdom inspires you to love God and display His love and faithfulness to others.
What insights did you receive regarding your treatment of people in your life; your precious family members and friends, colleagues or classmates, neighbors and strangers?
3. As you pursue the will of God in your life, Christ assures you will do “greater things” (John 14:12-14) than He ever did.
What greater things is the Holy Spirit preparing you to do for God’s glory in 2019?
Which aspect of ministry will you be connecting with at CDA to accomplish these “greater things?”
4. The Holy Spirit reveals the most intimate thoughts and intentions of your life with the light of God’s Word. As you abide in Him and obey His Word, He transforms you.
What areas of your life (relationships, health, money management, etc.) is the Holy Spirit revealing that need transformation, so you can be and do better in 2019?
5. Now think about the bigger picture.
Do you have clarity on why you are on this planet by God?
Do you understand that God’s purpose in your life is not about you?
How aligned are your actions and behaviors to the purpose God is trying to fulfill in your life?
Dear Father, thank you for not leaving me alone in this journey in faith. My Helper, the Holy Spirit, is guiding me in all truth to better reflect your love with everyone I know. Thank you outlining the way I can follow your “Better” plan for my life in 2019. In the Name of Jesus, I pray.