“But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.”
2019 comes with both a God-designed challenge and opportunity for your life. His challenge for you is to allow Him to have complete control of your heart, soul, mind, and body. His opportunity for you is to display His strength in your life.
Today’s verse comes with a promise of His blessing to you as you choose to pursue His better plan for your life and obey His Word. Each day you are given not just his new mercies, but also new strength to:
1. Soar into the new levels of intimacy with God by loving Him with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.
2. Run to love others by activating His Word in every aspect of your life: relationships, money management, health and fitness, emotional growth, leadership and influence, and so much more.
3. Walk and abide in Christ everyday no matter what comes your way. Enjoying the peace of His presence in spite of anything that is attempting to weigh you down.
As you pursue God’s purpose for your life, He gives you His strength to give up your ways and take on His ways. Change your thought life for His thoughts about you. Choose His will over your will for your life. Increase your influence and better love others. Apply His wisdom and insight into every situation you face - from the smallest detail to the biggest issues.
Power to change is a gift from God. God gives you the power to change by giving you His power to change. It’s never about you changing for God. It’s about God changing you through His strength.
Heavenly Father, thank you for this 21-Day of Prayer & Fasting Experience. I cherish our time together and love how you strengthen me. Empower me with the Holy Spirit’s anointing of wisdom and insight from Your Word. I give you complete control of my life. I lean on your understanding, acknowledging you in all my ways. Thank You for extending new mercies and amazing grace every day. Help me be a brighter light for you and emit the aroma of Christ with everyone I engage with today. Fulfill your purpose in my life. In Jesus’ name, I pray.