Pride Limits Your Relationships | Day 10 — Casa De Alabanza

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Pride Limits Your Relationships | Day 10

Pride Limits Your Relationships | Day 10

“A proud man is always looking down on things and people; and, of course, as long as you are looking down, you cannot see something that is above you.”  - CS. Lewis, -Mere Christianity 

Love is the universal language that the entire world speaks. Every human being no matter who they are, where they were born, or what they believe needs to love and be loved. Pride is the universal enemy of love. Every human no matter who they are, where they were born or what they believe, to varying degrees has pride within them.  

In the relationship between pride and love, pride is like rust corroding metal, it’s like termites eating through wood and it’s like cancer spreading through the body. Pride is the spiritual cancer that spreads through all of our relationships and creates a wall of separation. Pride is a prison that keeps us locked in and others locked out. Since the beginning of time pride has been the main culprit that has adversely impacted every nation, family and relationship. And sadly, even our relationship with God


In his pride the wicked man does not seek him; in all his thoughts there is no room for God. –

Psalms 10:4 NIV

Pride causes a person to be full of themselves and leaves no room for anyone else, including God. God says apologize and pride says, “when he, she, or they apologize”. God says serve, pride says, “I’m too busy to serve”. God says give, but pride says, “I want”. The invitation to follow Jesus is an invitation to un-follow pride. An invitation to follow Jesus is an invitation to have the same attitude of humility that Jesus had. Humility says, “I’m sorry” even when I’m only partially wrong. Humility says, “how can I serve?” and humility says, “what can I give?” 


Pride limits your relationships, pride prioritizes you and de-prioritizes everyone else. When you’re full of yourself, full of your highs and lows, there is no room for others, no room for your loved ones, and not even room for God. In contrast humility kills pride and sets you free to express kindness, grace, and love, the elements that fuel and grow your relationships to their maximum potential.


Dear God, please forgive me today. Forgive me for my sins and my shortcomings, and please forgive me if I have put self above you and others. I don’t want to be full of pride; I desire the same attitude that Jesus had, an attitude of humility.  I pray that my thoughts and desires would be towards you and your will. Dear God, I am asking you today, what can I give, how can I serve, how can I be a blessing to others? Help me to focus more on your kingdom, your agenda, and help me to put self to the side in order to make room for others. I want to be a follower of Jesus, I want to prioritize him in my life and I want my relationships to flourish and grow and so I need your help today in order to grow in humility and decrease in my pride. Thank you for helping me today, thank you for your word, thank you for your Holy Spirit and thank you for Jesus Christ, in whose name I pray, amen. 
