La pasión y la meta de todo líder es obtener el éxito. Lo que motiva a los líderes más efectivos no es el obtener alguna gloria sino más bien el obtener algún éxito. Recientemente leí un estudio que demuestra que los líderes más exitosos siempre son líderes humildes. Los líderes humildes tienen mayor capacidad para influenciar, atraen más seguidores, ganan más lealtad, confianza, respeto y alcanzan más éxito que aquellos que utilizan su orgullo como base para liderar. Es interesante que cuando pensamos en grandes cualidades de liderazgo, lo primero que nos viene a la mente son los talentos, las habilidades, el carisma y la tenacidad. Pero la verdad es que los líderes humildes son los líderes más efectivos.
February 2019 | Humility
The leader’s passion and goal is to succeed; to make things better and to do them better. The most effective leaders are not motivated by glory, they’re motivated by progress. Research shows that the most successful leaders are humble leaders. Humble leaders have more, influence, they attract more followers, they earn more loyalty, confidence, respect and achieve more progress than those who rely upon their pride. It’s interesting that when we think of great leadership qualities usually the first thing that comes to mind are talents, abilities, charisma and tenacity. But the truth is that humble leaders are the most effective leaders.
January 2019 | Better
Those of us, who are privileged to have been called to lead people in a growing relationship with Jesus, should hold a relentless commitment to doing things better. Doing things well should not be the goal, doing things better is what we should strive for. As leaders, there’s always room for improvement, and the urgency of our mission demands that we do nothing less than our very best.