January 2019 | Better

Those of us, who are privileged to have been called to lead people in a growing relationship with Jesus, should hold a relentless commitment to doing things better. Doing things well should not be the goal, doing things better is what we should strive for. As leaders, there’s always room for improvement, and the urgency of our mission demands that we do nothing less than our very best.


Often times leaders feel that they’re doing a good enough job therefore they don’t see the need to change. As leaders just as in life, if you’re not getting better at what you do eventually you’ll begin to fall behind. Progress and growth requires that you better yourself.

If the ax is dull and its edge unsharpened, more strength is needed, but skill will bring success.
— Ecclesiastes 10:10 NLT

Leaders are fueled by a desire to succeed. Success is the product of developing and sharpening the necessary skills to fulfill our mission. Here are some basic but fundamental and important tips that will help sharpen your skills and lead you to become a more effective leader.


Most people do not take into account the impact of their health on their leadership until their health begins to fail them. The irony is that most illnesses are preventable. The problem is that good health requires that you eat right and exercise at least 30 minutes five times a week. Leading people in a growing relationship with Jesus is not a sprint but rather a lifelong process and the healthier you are the farther you’ll get.

For physical training is of some value …
— 1 Timothy 4:8 NIV


It’s nearly impossible to lead people in a growing relationship with Jesus if we ourselves don’t maintain a consistent relationship with him. It was Jesus himself who said, “without me you can’t do anything” and it was the Apostle Paul who said, “I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me”. Studying the word of God and praying should be a daily routine in our lives.

For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.
— 1 Timothy 4:8 NIV


Leaders understand that results are preceded by actions and that actions are preceded by their thoughts. They understand that the right thoughts will lead to the right actions that produce successful results. But they also understand that feeding ill-conceived thoughts will result in ill-conceived results.

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
— 2 Corinthians 10:5 NIV


Leadership is all about influence. Our ability to lead people will be determined by our ability to influence them. The better we become socially, the more successful we’ll become in leading them. The better the relationship the stronger the influence.



Evaluate your leadership; experience alone doesn’t make you better. It’s your evaluated experience that will make you a better leader.

  • Ask “WHY” when things go wrong.

  • Ask “WHY” when things go right.

  • No matter what happens always ask, “HOW can I do it BETTER?”